Welcome 👋

Welcome to Day 1!

I’m Arturo Cuya, your coach. As you know, I’m available on Slack so ping me if you get stuck with any concept.

Today’s lesson is all about fundamentals. You will learn:

This is just the first step, so don’t worry if you don’t have the greatest Roku app ever by the end of the day. What I can guarantee you is that you will have understood the base structure of a Roku app like never before.

Before you start, you might want to install NodeJS and VSCode to your computer.

Let’s get to it!

A note for Windows users…

[Optional] Setting up your device for development

Creating your first project

Since this is a Modern introduction to Roku development, we will use a modern tool to scaffold our project with the best practices available.

This tool is called create-roku-app. It's a NodeJs package that scaffolds a new blank project with all the dependencies needed to: